March 16, 2004
Great Quotes

Ted Brown (no relation) is a hardcore California LP activist, and is currently running for Congress. He has a page of his favorite quotes on his site that is just fabulous. Fabulous enough that I wanted to share it with you.

Here you go.

I can't lay claim to a favorite quote from that page -- most of them are equally strong, for different reasons...but here's are two that I particularly like:

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."

- Senator Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

"Whether the mask is labeled Fascism, Democracy, or Dictatorship of the Proletariat, our great adversary remains the Apparatus -- the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier or the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy but our brothers' enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this Apparatus -- and to trample under foot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and others."

- Simone Weil, 1945

Posted by Lance Brown at March 16, 2004 11:46 AM

CandidateMap: Check it out! It is what I wish I would have had every election: [ ].
The best quotes resource I've found.


Posted by: Lacey at March 25, 2004 03:48 PM


Thanks for posting your comment. I've seen Candidate Map -- it's a good resource. :-)

Posted by: Lance Brown at March 26, 2004 10:13 PM

It is pretty good, I think. I go there every other day or so to see the new quotes. Cool. Glad to know that the word is getting out!

Posted by: Lacey at April 5, 2004 08:59 AM
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