Why this site?

The Boot Boortz Blog was formed to provide a thorough and organized presentment of the facts and issues underlying the controversy surrounding Neal Boortz's scheduled appearance at the 2004 LP national convention.

It will also likely serve as an action & organizing center, as well as a place to debate the issue with the curious and the opposed. Please join the debate!

In the short term, we have built up a quick background collection with the basic information for newcomers.

Posted by Lance Brown at December 9, 2003 01:27 AM | TrackBack

I'm a Rep thinking of voting Lib. The only thing keeping me from doing so is the policy on immigration and military. Immigration is good, illegal immigration is not so good. Rewarding those that come over illegally just for some votes to me is clearly wrong. As for the military, strictly for defense is good but to assume that the emeny is going to send an army to our shores is naive. There has been several attacks against US interests and the US needs to defends itself. For the Lib party to sit back and say we will only fight if the evils of the world attack us face to face could be self defeating. Sometimes you need to strike back at the bully.

Posted by: Brad Senetza at January 19, 2004 10:05 AM
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