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August 12, 2003


I am extremely proud to be a part of the movement that is working to slow (and then reverse) the advance of the "neo-conservative" movement. So far my main effort in this respect has been developing, which seeks to expose that philosophy and its subscribers (and which, I believe, has played a real part in the rising of awareness about neocons.)

And, given what the movement I'm in is up against, I'm happy to welcome such strange bedfellows as former Congressman Bob Barr, who I have assailed countless times in the past as being a rat bastard rabidly drug-warring soulless political whore, for the part he has played in this country's War on Drugs (including his ethically vacuous -- and successful -- effort to block Washington D.C. from counting the vote in a medical marijuana proposition, so that it wouldn't pass.)

But as I said to the person who sent this article to me, there's nothing better than hardcore conservatives ripping into neo-cons, as least as far as the anti-PNAC movement goes. So: Go Bob! (You bastard, you!)

It's also worth noting that Bob has gone to work for the ACLU, and has recently appeared on the news opposing a federal definition of marraige act, so it could be he's not as much of a piece of crap as he appeared to me to be while he was in office. Maybe he and I can even become friends someday (as long as he never sees this entry, that is). ;-)

by Bob Barr


Many earlier American political movements were closely tied to an aggressive, military-based foreign policy. In the 19th century, the push toward "manifest destiny" was rooted in an understandable desire on the part of America's leaders to extend America's continental reach to meet the needs of a nation struggling to industrialize and capitalize its resources. In the early 20th century, Teddy Roosevelt, often viewed as an imperialist, actually exercised considerable restraint in the use of American military power when he involved troops in circumstances clearly limited in time and scope. Woodrow Wilson's ill-fated drive to "make the world safe for democracy" was born of a genuine, if unrealistic notion that political freedom was preferable to tyranny and that democratic governments would be less predisposed to war as a tool of political power. Though Wilson's effort failed miserably, the goal was to avoid, not foster, war.

But neo-conservatives rely on the raw and aggressive use of military power to a unique degree, and their almost messianic mission to root out "bad guys" around the world, is unprecedented.

In 1997, the Project for the New American Century, a neo-conservative think tank headquartered in Washington, issued a Statement of Principles that lays out the neo-conservative vision of an international order completely subservient to U.S. business, military and political interests. At its core, the statement makes clear that nothing less than total, global American military dominance will suffice. The statement was signed by Dick Cheney, who is now vice president, Donald Rumsfeld, now secretary of defense, and Paul Wolfowitz, now deputy defense secretary.

The problem is that such total, global American military dominance would require a huge federal bureaucracy. And even worse: It would require an essentially permanent state of war abroad, as well as a climate of fear at home -- leading to ever-increasing levels of government power. The tragic events of Sept. 11 offered neo-cons the perfect catalyst to move into high gear. And, brother, have they ever.

Full column

Read It Rating: 10
Left/Right Rating: R6
Freedom Rating: 4
Learning Percentage: 15%

Posted by Lance Brown at August 12, 2003 01:10 PM | TrackBack
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