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September 24, 2003

Libertarian options in the California recall

Libertarian options in the California recall

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Posted by Lance Brown at September 24, 2003 04:36 PM | TrackBack

*Inchoate Safe Energy Creating Peace and Prosperity For All*
(Hopefully my dyslexia has not made this to incoherent, but I'm sure you have editor's that can make it readable.)

Okay now that you elected a governor on name recognition and no experience. How do you fix the problem? The same way I suggested to the ex-governor of Minnesota Jessie Ventura...but he never heard because candidates get elected on words and image not actions. They also turn into politicians instead of servants of the people perhaps if we only paid them cost of living and travel pay like when we were a democratic republic it would be different. But they make seven digit figure salaries work twenty hours out of the week and give us minimum wage results. They also become insulated by the bureaucrats. Okay so how do you go from being in the red to being in the black without taxation? The same way ever state and the federal government should with common sense...I'll spell it out to you by converting all government vehicles and facilities to being powered by biodiesel. Rudy diesel created the diesel engine to run on vegetable oil thats why glow plugs were created for states like Alaska and Minnesota climates in the winter and mountain states. Government facilities powered by generators driven by diesel engines converted to biodiesel(Tax breaks for businesses that use this method of operation)this would create a greater wealth for the agricultural industry a two prong benefit for soy bean farmers and wind farmers and the introduction of a new industry covered in the following letter:
Dear Alfred Nobel Peace Foundation, Being that I gave this information to James Wolfensohn freely I might as well give it to you. In the past when attempting to secure a patent with the U.S.A. Patent Office I was turned down and my monies returned to me with the explanation that I could not patent the Jet Stream...which isn't what I asked to do. Since President James Wolfensohn of the World Bank understood the mechanics of war I felt he truly is worthy of this knowledge if it can promote ecomonic advancement for everyone on this planet. James stated poverty creates war. In this he is partly right actually avarice and the control of natural resources create war. Oil, coal, hydro, and nuclear forms of creating energy all have environmental and economic adverse impact to the planet. These forms also perpetual the avarice forms of government including the Plutocratic Oligarchy under the guise of a Democratic Republic in which my fellow country men are enslaved by an economy based upon perpetual war to stabilize the Military Industrial Police State economy the United States has completely been converted into since its start 02-27-1947. James Wolfensohn is naive enough though to think these governments of the United Nations that contribute to his World Bank organization actually care to give up their hold on the 99.9 % they control and exploit, they aren't. Like California's new Governor or President George W. Bush lots of macho chest beating talk yet no subtance or thought as to how their going to effectively fix things. For President Bush and his cronies part, they are only interested in securing oil interest for those who bought the presidency for him, obviously he had no plan when he sent troops into Iraq or Afghanistan other than that. But let us not speak of small people whose vision is blinded by their avaricious behavior. The only safe energy form is Wind Power and what I discovered as a Boy Scout of America and admirer of two American sages, Black Elk and Ben Franklin in the spring of 1967 and produced a working prototype in August of that year. That form of energy is "Jet Stream Harvesting" it is very simply the cheapest and most Earth friendly form other then Wind Power. Oil and coal pollute and the extraction of oil detracts from stabilizing seismographic phenomenon which it was meant for (if you extracted all the lubricants from your bodies joints you would not last long) oh yes oil companies will claim that they replace the oil with water. However water evaporates and is not the same viscosity(besides oil floats in water and this is how they get every last drop from a well. Oil is always found near fault lines or the tectonic plates and that is because the planet is a living thing and continually growing.) When it comes to nuclear energy the dangers are enumerable. Hydro induced energy always creates environmental changes and impact to the ecological systems it is contained with in. Okay you ask what is this "Jet Stream Harvesting"? Is it similar to that of professor Bryan Roberts of Australia? First I'll answer the second question: only in principle in practical use terms no. Roberts does not have a practical method of extraction of electricity. To answer the first question: Jet Stream Harvesting is the extraction of electrical energy. The prototype I designed however creates a continual flow of electricity and water. Lets see, is energy and water along with greed the fathers of war? Of course. With energy and water you can create agriculture and industry any place on or even above the planet. Because of fiber optics and light composite material along with deicing technology we are able to extract water and energy. Method of doing so: Unlike Robert’s kite my design is based upon gas such as helium. A lighter then air platform constructed of light composite material supporting turbines lofted into the jet stream and tethered by a fiber optical tether(fiber optics with strands of the same metal alloys found in wave guides of United States Naval vessels.)This conduit will bring energy and water down the tether to the ground. Then electricity is converted the same way that ground wind turbine energy is and distributed. Water is also brought to the ground to a reverse osmosis facility and then distributed. Very simple with beneficial effects to the environment reduction in air, soil, and water pollution because it doesn't create any not to mention jobs. Why would they not let me patent this concept? Oil and coal lobbyist sit on the patent review panel. This form of
energy is even cheaper to produce then that of Lake Benton, Pipestone County, Minnesota, U.S.A. which the Enron Z-48(143) and Enron Z-50(138) turbines produce a combined 210.75 Mega Watts which is purchased by the Excel Energy Company so the cost of energy is less... Let me say this again it brings the cost of energy down so you can save money to spend on other things which is good for the economy. You can expand on this concept and utilize the ocean gulf streams by anchoring a similar platform allowing the gulf current to drive the turbines, cables laid from the platform to the land base populations would also be an effective and not adverse to the planet method of generating vast amounts of electrical energy. So this technology is my gift to you. I'm not looking for money or accolades I figure if I enlighten you of this knowledge and you implement it then the technology that perpetuates poverty and war will become as obsolete as the idea such as RACE which ultimately promotes bigotry and racism; in biology their is no such thing as race just genetic natural selection due to environment and mutation ergo according to our genetic code we are all African. Science proving what those scholars that study the Talmud, Torah, Cabala, Koran, Bible and many other texts and belief systems which already knew this idea: That we are custodians of the planet and each other not exploiters.
Other methods of exploiting this technology: Remember the cartoon "THE JETSONS"? Vehicles made of light composite material with lighter than air lift ability and recharging batteries in the shell of the vehicle and small turbines could be built cheaper then an automobile and be charged by simply climbing to the jet stream. The United States is fortunate to be with in the boundaries of the northern hemisphere jet stream. The applications for satellite launch recover and repair not to meantion private, public, industrial, and military air travel are revolutionary. As it stands from the view of someone outside of America looking in, american's are resource wasteful, planet pollting, and care more for trite mindlessness such as the last vicious and dysfunctional reality show then the fact that America's Democratic Republic is lost totally if not soon found by the oil drinking lizard Bushitites that are fundamentally facist spearheaded by a Cocaine Felon/expunged record 1972 by daddy dearest Houston, Texas good old boy judge that did it for reelection favors. Democracy wasn't put forth to create a capitolist class system thats bought and owned buy the wealthiest, but created for great and small. Our constitution's framers knew everyone wasn't equal in abilities, education and skills but rights as an individual. Continue to dilute yourself with denial or wake up from the opiate of media propaganda and make your representatives accountable before the chains that are upon you are unbreakable. Your already indentured servants to the existing system...time is running out. Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" is your reality now America. The National Debt increases over a one million dollars per minute, as I type this to you it is over 6.9 trillion. Can we as a nation afford to live under this Military Industrial Police State with a jackass bully as a leader...he isn't making Americans popular even with our allies...can we afford this government as it exists? No not if we believe in liberty.

Posted by: R.L. Zadworny at December 13, 2003 02:47 PM
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