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July 12, 2003

Brad Edmonds: Why We don't Need Gov't, in a Nutshell

In a Nutshell

by Brad Edmonds

I often write "without government, we’d be better off with regard to ______." Whenever I write that, I get emails saying "but we must have government, or many important good things would never happen," or "there are lots of bad people, and we need government to keep them under control." People who say such things sometimes believe they have historical evidence to support them, but usually they are unaware of some basic principles and history. The following is my attempt to put in a nutshell why we don’t need government:

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Read It Rating: 9.5
Left/Right Rating: 0
Freedom Rating: 9.5
Learning Percentage: 10%

Posted by Lance Brown at July 12, 2003 07:59 AM | TrackBack
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