Justin on the "Commie" thing

Scroll down this article to "Notes on the Margin."

"Is the Libertarian Party also part of the Commie conspiracy against this war? That's the question Neal Boortz should be asked, by the party leadership. Boortz insists the antiwar movement must be watched by federal agents. Should members of the Libertarian Party, too, be spied on by the government because they hold antiwar views and participate in antiwar protests?"

Posted by Jeff Smith at December 12, 2003 06:06 AM | TrackBack

What's to ask? Boortz was clear. "Antiwar demonstrators" are fair game. Why should LP members get a pass?

Posted by: David Tomlin at December 12, 2003 04:08 PM

If you want dynamics and controversial opinions from a zany guy, that's Boortz.

If you want a more complete and comprehensive understanding of our current wars, I suggest "Terrorism and Tyranny" by James Bovard.

Posted by: David Harner at December 13, 2003 01:42 PM
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