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July 13, 2003

Families live in fear of midnight call by US patrols

Thought you couldn't get any more appalled at what's going on in Iraq? Think again.

It turns out Bush was telling the truth in his 2000 campaign, when he said he wasn't into nation building. (Just nation destroying.)

If I had a "Read It" rating higher than 10, I'd give it to this article.

Families live in fear of midnight call by US patrols

From Daniel McGrory in Baghdad

NEVER again did families in Baghdad imagine that they need fear the midnight knock at the door.

But in recent weeks there have been increasing reports of Iraqi men, women and even children being dragged from their homes at night by American patrols, or snatched off the streets and taken, hooded and manacled, to prison camps around the capital.

Children as young as 11 are claimed to be among those locked up for 24 hours a day in rooms with no light, or held in overcrowded tents in temperatures approaching 50C (122F).


Remarkably, the Americans have also set up another detention camp in the grounds of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad. Many thousands of Iraqis were taken there during the Saddam years and never seen again.


Mr Akhjan, whose 58-year-old father was arrested three weeks ago for driving a truck with no doors or headlights, said: “People are so sickened by what is happening they talk of wanting Saddam to come back. How bad can the Americans be that in three months we want that monster back?”

Full story...

Read It Rating: 10
Left/Right Rating: 0
Freedom Rating: -10
Learning Percentage: 75%

Posted by Lance Brown at July 13, 2003 06:59 AM | TrackBack

I'm not convinced by this article. If you want to see a Fisking of it, visit

Posted by: Hirsh at July 15, 2003 03:41 PM
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