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July 31, 2003

But, I don't waaant a recall! Waaaa!

This is a two-fer page from TruthOut, with Bill Maher whining and the LA Times bemoaning -- both of them unhappy about the upcoming California recall election.

I'm already tired of hearing people complain about and assail this recall election. Hopefully there will be a big wave of getting over it soon, but I'm not holding my breath.

I wonder how many of these recall naysayers were big anti-recall people before this one came up. I don't remember there being a lot of folks complaining about how it's an abuse of democracy and such until recently, now that it's actually happening and some folks find it inconvenient.

I heard someone say recently that the fact that 30-plus attempts to have a recall election have failed before shows that it's a bad idea. shows that this time, people just might be fed up enough to go through with it.

I'll be the first to admit that it's a pretty crazy process, but it is what it is. It's been in the California Constitution for nearly a hundred years. The thing to do is roll with it.

I have never liked Gray Davis. He simply reeks of everything that people mean when they say the word "politician" in a bad way. (Such as in, "Politicians are all a bunch of crooks," or "I don't like politicians", etc.) I don't know of a single policy, proposal, or act of his that I support. If they were going to draw a random Californian's name out of a hat and put that person in place of Gray Davis, I'd welcome the change.

Recall ho!

t r u t h o u t - Bill Maher | Recalls Are for Cars, Not California Governors

Posted by Lance Brown at July 31, 2003 12:00 AM | TrackBack
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